Monday 21 April 2014

Saturday Meet Up Session

I’m sure most of you would have had a good weekend especially for those Christians celebrating Good Friday and Easter. Me and a few friends decided to have a meet up for breakfast on Saturday morning just to bring our hobby cars out. Although they were mostly modified cars which included Toyota Supras, Honda Type-R, a Lancer GT as well as a well-modded Nissan Sentra, my Jaguar was the sole classic car to be present as I’m yet to get my modded car or super car (hoping to get one soon!! :p ).

It was a good day and the weather was great and of course we had a good time too. A breakfast which was supposed to take an hour took 3 hours, so naturally it was a time that we enjoyed. There are a few photos below of some of the cars present. Do enjoy although the quality is a little bad.

 The 2 cars used for my wedding. 
Toyota Supra as the groom's car and my Jaguar as the bride's car

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